Mobile Phone Wallpaper

No longer a toy, except perhaps for young people who only use a few of the phones functions, the mobile phone has become a trusted companion. Many parents convince themselves that their children must have one for safety but in reality it is usually so the children are not looked own upon by their friends. Although the mobile phone boom may not have been expected to this degree, the manufacturers have been very quick to improve the mobile phone beyond all recognition to what it once was. Various beneficial features of mobile phones that are not available in a landline telephone will make mobile phones outpace landline telephony. Manufacturers and computer experts have introduce the possibility of giving your phone personality by introducing Cool Cell Phone Wallpaper.

In order to make the process as simple as possible, mobile phone users can now get these wallpapers directly from internet sites. Not only can modern phones communicate between each other which makes transferring screen wallpaper a simple process but it can even be created and shared using the mobile phones digital camera. This new technology also allows for any type of digital image to be transferred, once uploaded, to your mobile phone.

Cleverly, it is now possible to add your own text to your mobile phone wallpaper as well. However, if your mobile phone does not support uploading backgrounds, do not despair, this does not mean you will not get the benefits of owning a mobile phone. There is no need to be overly concerned if you cannot alter your wallpaper because it may be possible for you to change the ring tone which will still personalize your phone for you. Anyway, the basic features of mobile phone like sending and receiving calls do not require these options.

You do not need to have special background or ring tone to send a text message do you? I never favor form ahead of function and this is just as true with my mobile phone because as long as it does what it is supposed to do I am happy as the rest is just dressing. Although not remembered these days, you should always exhibit good telephone etiquette and not use your phone when it disturbs others. Mobile phone etiquette exhibits your personality, the users personality is more important that your phone having personality.

No matter how technologically advanced your mobile phone is, it still comes with an off switch which many people will be glad you use if you are in a meeting You may even get the respect from other users if you respect them they will not use their phone without thinking in situations that may annoy you. Respect is a two way street so to have respect from others means you have to earn it and then there is the opportunity that others around you will copy your lead.